Wednesday, 15 February 2012

A tough climb at Almagro

We awoke the next morning at Guinauayan Island to what sounded like something crashing into the side of the boat. Turns out it was the local fishermen 200m away throwing sticks of Dynamite into the water before ducking for cover. We had a rushed breakfast enduring the blasts and promptly headed of to Almagro.
Once anchored the Police commandeered a banka and came out to greet us and explain how safe their town was. We later visited their office and when making inquiries as to if the town had a restaurant they reluctantly replied “no but we can make you something.”

A trip around the bay by dingy turned up caves, bats, and crystal clear water with good snorkeling prospects.

Feeling the need for some exercise we headed to the police station the next morning to find out if we could climb Mt Oopow. The chief wanted to donate the time of 2 officers to go with us but as the Mayor was due to arrive and they were all in dress uniform he rounded up an unsuspecting local instead.

Typical of a Thyme trip our guide got a little lost, most of the track we made by slashing through the jungle and it rained… and rained. Did I mention the rain?

Our disappointment at not being able to reach the summit was intensified when it was revealed we had lost both our phones with water ingress… despite them being wrapped in plastic bags. Our plan was to head off the following morning but once I got up and saw the sun on the mountain I couldn’t resist the challenge of a second attempt at the summit – with a fresh guide. Amanda came for the walk to the end of the track if you could call it that and my new guide and I pressed on. The growth took hours to slash through but we made it with only 1 rain shower.

The view was worth the cuts, ant bite and drenching getting there. Amanda’s plan of an on track walk backfired when our latest guide took a short cut and yep, got lost. Luckily we backtracked and after an hour found where we were supposed to go. I think if it had rained at that point it would have all ended in tears, aye Amanda!

Three days later we reluctantly left Almagro - which had started out as an overnight anchorage. Out of the 34 islands we have visited to date this was a real highlight.
PS we were the first yacht to ever visit that town.


elena said...

what an amazing journey! the photos are stunning.

Franz Osida said...

Hi just want to ask for the name of this town or barangay where you went :) I need it for a story it exactly looks like the place I want to use :) Can u describe the place more for me? Please do email me at Thank you so much I enjoyed reading your blog. :D