Sunday, 11 March 2012

Whale Sharks & Red Horses

We had heard that the Whale sharks hang around Sogod Bay, southern Leyte so we decided to anchor at the town of San Roque and try to gather some intelligence as to their whereabouts. The good oil was the eastern tip of Leyte for Whale Sharks so bright an early the following morning we headed off. We spent all morning annoying the fishermen tacking between their nets and finally noticed a tourist boat (identified by the toilet on the back) close to the shore. A closer look revealed spotter boats looking for something. Once they all got excited we headed in closer, jumped in and were finally rewarded with our first Whale Shark.

In the end my flipper fell off and he cruised off into deeper water

The next morning we headed over to Capaquian where we met a local, Leo Baptisma. The main attraction once again was our dingy.

He wanted us to sample his Tuba (palm wine) and check out the pigs and fighting cocks. Later that evening Robin helped him killed a chicken and we roasted it over a beach fire with a drop of Tanduay.

Snorkeling around a rock in the bay somehow turned into a shellfish BBQ on the same rock thanks to Leo. This was the first time we heard about the treasure supposedly left behind by Hirihito after the Second World War.

There were 2 towns close by, the capital that had everything except beer and cigarettes and the other 15 miles south, with the beer and cigarettes??? Since we needed everything and beer we were committed to the two town circuit. The first town, San Jose was very nice and friendly and the second one, Dinigat town seemed as if half the population was pissed mid morning. Maybe it was just the area we were in. Anyway the beer was both expensive and only sold in 1-litre bottles, which don’t fit in our fridge so we left empty handed except for a list of some must see caves which apparently litter the area. We were fully equipped with our new wooden hand made goggles… a bargain at $1.20.


the other mother said...

Love the eyes, as for the beards.........

svthyme said...

Shocking really - but we have good news. It came off yesterday for my birthday. Just getting used to the old Simon again - or should I say young!

svthyme said...

Shocking really - but we have good news. It came off yesterday for my birthday. Just getting used to the old Simon again - or should I say young!