Monday, 25 June 2012

Jungles of Gaya to bright lights of Labuan

After stopping for a few supplies, and all the luxuries of the Sutra Harbor marina (shhh, we sneaked in for a swim) we headed out to Gaya where despite the best attempts by the staff at the Police Beach resort to turn us away due to dangers in the jungle we managed to find the elusive & exclusive canopy walk.

We also found the start of the national parks walk which is what we were really looking for. Some of the wildlife was trickier to spot then others however we weren’t attacked by bearded pigs and green vipers which is what the resort management lead us to believe.

Our next stop saw Amanda kicking a sharp stick and by the time we got to Snake Island she was pretty well boat bound. The fishermen were asking for water which made a nice change from beer.

I did manage to convince A to take Sloop for a walk while Maria learnt the fine art of Oyster collection. Don’t step on the puffer fish.

After  a big 4 mile day we anchored off  Tiga where a survivor series was filmed and you can swim in the mud pools. With more than enough entertainment provided by the locals, there was little need for me to get covered in the sticky mud and walk 2.5km back through the steamy jungle!

At the north end of Labuan it’s possible to walk to the bird park and one of Labuan’s big attractions the chimney. I’m still mystified as to why it’s such a big hit as nobody knows what it was built for, by whom or when exactly? Maybe that’s it.

After some duty free shopping and more supplies we headed over the  Klais river in search of the rumored Proboscis Monkeys and hornbills.


Anonymous said...

Another enjoyable post, thanks... Simon?

svthyme said...

I made the mistake of offering to much advise when Amanda wrote the blog and now I seem to have the job.