One word best describes our trip up the Klias. Hot. Even after being in the heat of Asia for a few years we still found the temperature overwhelming. It didn’t help that swimming is out due to the presence of crocodiles. I almost got a look in a steamy palm plantation but the moat prevented entry.
Can you guess which of the following photos are upside down?
If you guessed all of them you would be correct. They are photos taken of reflections in the Klias.
After a bit of hunting around we did find some probiscus and silver leaf but not being used to tourists, they were a little more camera shy than their brothers in the Kinabatangan. An encounter with a curious black and yellow water snake that looked like it was going to climb in the dingy had Amanda and Hannu diving to the floor for cover.
With time running short we stayed one more night seeing fire flies around the boat before heading back to Labuan to clear out and onto Brunei for fuel.
A local tourist operator told me that Brunei has 1.2 million vehicles which is considerable as the population is only 398,000. Could be related to no income tax and fuel at 21 cents per litre.
Brunei was where Maria and Hanu departed after kindly helping to refuel the good ship Thyme. With all that spare space in the forepeak cabin we headed back to Labuan to clear in and resupply.
With only 5 more sleeps before Amanda’s long awaited trip back to Australia for a 3 week visit, we weighed anchor and headed back to Kota Kinabalu for her flight.
I’m left the boss of the beer… oh yes and boat jobs.
I hope you drank all that beer before Amanda returned, Simon.
Very nice Blog
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