Friday, 21 September 2012

Famous in Talaud

Arriving a day early, we managed to be the first yacht in town. The towns people helped carry the dingy up the beach and our photo was taken 100’s of times.  As the other boats began to turn up the activities started with demonstrations of the local traditional dances. I was hoping for an island that historically was big on blow pipes and big spears instead of basket weaving and pottery and wasn’t completely disappointed they brought out the big knives.

While Sloop was enjoying the no movement sensation Chamois and Basia headed off the change some money.  Uneventful you might think but not so. The staff had especially been trained for the rally – this being their 1st money change customer ever -  so they were first personally introduced to the currency calculator, then the counter, then the paperwork filler outer and finally the money hander overer who insisted on having a photo taken with all the staff next to their new sign. Chamois felt like he had won lotto rather then changing 50 euro when receiving his envelope. Chamois also wanted to change from his Polish bank to an Indo account with service like this!!!

After then evening dinner where each boat was given a very nice hand made ebony ship as a gift we were given the details of a lunch time BBQ that was to take place on a nearby island. The official time was of the event was 1pm so we sailed over the next morning. Not sure if we had the right island we wandered over around 12 to find the BBQing in full swing. The fish, squid etc was awesome and by the time the other boats turned up by speed boat around 2.30 we were fat and sleepy.

With plenty of wind we left the following morning at a sparrow’s fart we left to do the 130 miles down to Moratai. The gods were somewhat smiling on us with the autopilot working all night however Chamois was once again struck down with the sea sickness bug.After another night of pumping the water from the leaky stern tube, we arrived at what Amanda named Paradise in company with Metana and Gadfly.
With celebrations planned for Sail Morotai 2012 including the Indonesia President arriving, we headed for Daruba Harbour where we fare welled to Poles to land travel and Nasi Goering with almost 1,000nm under their belts and now expert hand steerers!
Aussie Scott, our new crew luckily arrived just in time for the lobster bake off, where BBQs lined the streets as far as the eye could see to cook over 2,400 lobsters - yummy!!!

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