After locating a world war 2 wreck out in the bay, finding some chain and buying some rope our mooring was established allowing us to tie up stern to without the hassle of anchoring after each weekends outing.
We have now well and truly moved off the boat and into the house becoming real land lubbers for the first time in 12 years. At first we sat wondering at nights what people that live in houses do? Hannah from Amanda's work kindly gave us a TV.
Phil, a local expat from Napier kindly offered to give us a tour of his work, British American Tobacco. The first tour had to be postponed due to an evacuation. A Tsunami warning, that Amanda remained at work for even though you could spit a mouthful of Buai (beetlenut juice) into the sea from her office chair. Luck was with her, and as she wasn't swept away by a large wave she got to attend the second scheduled tour.
Not knowing where to turn for a much needed haircut, I suggested to Amanda to find someone with a style she liked and ask her where she has it done. Hayden an operations manager at her work ended up multi tasking one evening and it didn't end in tears so it can't have been too bad.
Andrew the only other yacht owner for probably 200 plus miles has always been keen to race on Sundays. He won the first race but having technical problems like... a bit of wind on the next 3 occasions resulted in a current 1 : 3 result.
Where is Madang? at the end of the red line.
After anonymous's comment mine is very short. Good to see those rural nz skills being useful.
Glad to see you guys are updating and are all settled in! I'm sending this from Greece - aboard another boat - and you'll be proud to know I've not fallen off the dinghy and have wowed them with my knot-tying skills. Well, maybe not wowed them but at least showed them the ones I remember. Just finished dinner at a little taverna near where we're anchored. No 50-cent rum but we're making due. Sloop will be happy to know their dog (yup, dog) is not half the sailor he is (but who is?)! Michele
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