Sunday, 22 November 2020

Thyme races 3 Peaks

 3 Peaks Race

This is a race a member modelled on a Scottish race and has been held annually at Royal Papua Yacht Club for many years since.

So how does it work - a swimmer / runner joins a boat in a team of two, as many sailors join the boat as can be taken and the race starts as a yacht race. Until the first island is reached, when the swimmer/runner dive off the boat and race to the top of the island and the swim back to the boat. 

The yacht races to the next island where the swimmer/runners dive off again and dash for the peak before returning to swim to the boat. 

The yacht then races back to the marina where it drops it swimmer/runners off for the final gruelling push to the top of Burns Peak and back to the Yacht Club to meet up with the sailing crew who are likely already having a cold one.

Here is Thyme racing, she had the fastest leg on the sail between island one and two this race, came 4th overall, 7 mins behind the winner on handicap. Such a fun event!

Some great footage of Thyme under sail by drone:

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