Monday 1 June 2009

Motoring North

Well our run of good weather was short lived and the next leg of our journey to Cairns was fairly routine. We’d have a little morning sail from about 5am before the wind died out, we’d then spend the morning being teased by small puffs of wind – out come the sails, in come the sails, up goes the spinnaker, down comes the spinnaker. After all the exertion we’d settle down for lunch and an afternoon of motoring, sail repairs, washing and top end research.

The fish keeps on coming which means we’re back to a brekkie, lunch and dinner fish diet! We’ve had mainly Yellowtail and Mackeral and everyday the lines are out we’ve managed to catch. This one was caught on the lure given to us from Alan and Angela and was quickly cleaned and eaten raw in lemon juice and coconut milk.

In still calm weather we motored into Cairns pleased to be on new ground. After stocking up we hired a car, Simon managed to acquire a pole mooring for the boat trading 2 bottles of Ginger wine and we started planning an inland adventure.


Amanda said...

The new canopy is looking useful. So cmon, where did you go for your inland adventure?

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen you on blog for a while must be a pc prob at this end. Simon's hair is looking thinner??? or just had a haircut?
A few rough seas there.