Thursday 30 December 2010

Koh Lanta - Old Town

The trip from our peaceful anchorage behind Ko Muk to Ko Lanta was as expected a little rolly.

Motor bikes were again the order of the day for exploring the island. We went south first thing having to shelter in a interesting resort for a number of hours to wait for the rain to ease.

Having discovered we went the wrong way, we made our north and crossed the island in search of a waterfall and caves. After skillfully navigation our way past the guides with elephants, we made our way up the slippery clay track following our nose. When the bikes could go no further we continued on foot.

Finally after a half hour jungle tramp we found the elusive waterfall without the assistance of a guide where I got my first thai massage.

The trip back to old town wasn’t without event. Trevor on the lead bike sustained a fall, resulting in the loss of a small amount of blood and 5,000 baht. Not sure what hurt most…

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